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Board Meeting Minutes

July 2024
Proceedings of the RWMC’s board meeting 


July 13 2024, Spotsylvania, VA , USA  10.00 EST


Present: Leon-Pres, Loki-VP (ZOOM), GunZ-SaA, Draak-Treasurer, Q -Scribe


1. No-asshole policy GunZ will propose wording to include said no-asshole-policy in the SOP


2. Issue of membership was addressed when someone decides to withdraw / resign from the RWMC. It was agreed that if a member desires to stay  a member they can do so, with approval from the BOD.   Member requirements will be reflected by amendments concerning law enforcement with involvement in PR/CaC/Rescue, etc, in the SOP and the charter, to be drafted by GunZ.


3. Financial contributions to annual meetings from the club.  The respective brotherhood (individual) and RWMC costs / responsibilities of the meeting will be decided in a pre-meeting discussions by the BOD.


4. Sponsoring Anvil’s goal of building motorcycles for disabled Vets in order to enable him to support veterans’ projects will be decided on a case by case basis, but was agreed upon in general to provide some support annually.  Anvil and Draak are working through some administration details, more to follow.


5. Proposal to dissolve the Florida RWMC non-profit (is not federal) in favor of a Virginia nonprofit with a follow-on federal non-profit (501c3) in order to ensure legality, ease of administration processes and ensure proper reporting duties. Possible Costs around $700 to $1,000. Draak will present a detailed  proposition and will look to keep costs down. 


6. Elections are due for VP and SaA 2024. The scribe will initiate the nomination and voting process in October. The 2025 elections for Prez, Treasurer and Scribe will be held in October 2025. 


7. The 2025 meet will be held in Austria. Ze German crew will be responsible, outside help is welcome. Time frame: second half of July 2025.


8. Leon will issue the newsletter by the end of August. Topics: elections (Q), next meet (Q), new members (Leon), update on Gucci (GunZ), 2024 Althing (Draak).


9. Beanies will be sent out to members by Leon and Draak.


10. Leon will, as always, be the art director for the 2025 t-shirt.


11. Brandi, Loki’s wife agreed to set up a new, professional website for the RWMC. Assistance welcome. Please send pictures and other content.


End of meeting 11.00 EST


Q, Scribe

July 2022
Proceedings of the RWMC’s board meeting 


July 23 2022, Tidaholm/SWE



Leon Pres

GunZ SaA

Draak Treasurer  

Q Scribe


  1. Finances 400$ in our account. Payments due to Pipes (t-shirts 400,- €), Leon (champagne) and Taxes

  2. Some US-members late with dues. Treasurer and/or scribe will ask them after 2 years without the required financial contribution to pay or leave. The SaA will furthermore contact members who show little or no participation in the club´s activities. No reaction to the calls for voting was specifically mentioned as a sign of lacking of engagement from a member.

  3. Meeting 2023 Will be held in Belgium. Leon offered to host. First 2 weeks in September, tbd.  A mini-meet is planned in the greater Luxembourg area for June

  4. SOP addition: Colours are for free. Members leaving hand colours back to the closest member. Sponsor is finally responsible for retrieving colours.

  5. Prior to the voting process, CV of the respective candidates shall be published.

  6. Members will stay members, even if, for personal or health reasons, they cannot comply with certain requirements, e.g. the ability to ride a properly sized bike, 

  7. Votes: Due to Duke`s resignation, this year`s voting comprises the offices of President, Vice-President, Scribe and Treasurer.  The scribe will initiate the process in fall

  8. Pay your dues!  Be active!

Q, Scibe

August 2021
Proceedings of the RWMC’s board meeting 


Aug 9 2021,  Clausthal-Zellerfeld



Leon Pres

Duke VP

GunZ SaA

Draak Treasurer  (via WhatsApp)

Q Scribe


  1. Finances  4350 $ in our account. Some US-members late with dues. Treasurer and/or scribe will contact them

  2. Meeting 2022 Will be held in Sweden. Gucci offered to host, cabins by a lake. Last 2 weeks in July or first 2 weeks in September, tbd

  3. MC v RC The question “are we an MC or an RC” was discussed. The essence of the conversation can be found in GunZ’s e-mail of  Sep 12. (see attachment below)

  4. Leon will be in charge of the annual meeting t-shirt in order to avoid additional strain on the host

  5. Leon will come up with Velcro patches for hats

  6. Doc will take over the website.

  7. Pay your dues!  The board discussed options for missing payments.

Q, Scibe


Attachment: GunZ’s e-mail of Sep 12

Point 1 - Are we and MC or an RC?


This was discussed at length and ad nauseam at this year's Annual Meeting and at various venues over the past two years.  We are a Motorcycle Club.  Yes, we are different.  We do not subscribe to the standards of what passes for culturally accepted MC behavior.  That is made clear in our Charter and SOP and each of you were recruited into the Rescue Warriors Motorcycle Club -  nothing maybe, nothing different. 


From the Charter:


  • Rescue Warriors MC (RWMC) is an international not for profit motorcycle Club. We do not claim territory and geographical distinctions within our Club are for organizational purposes only.

  • We owe allegiance to no other Colors except those of our nations, our coalitions, and those of our motorcycle Club that we proudly wear on our backs.

  • We are not a 1% MC nor a 99% MC, we are a motorcycle Club. We fought our wars, we learned to value life, and have no desire other than the pleasure to ride free. 

  • RWMC consists of Members whose background exemplifies the motto, “That Others May Live” and have served in a capacity that supports this ethos.  Freedom is the most cherished value of RWMC Members and each knows that freedom demands responsibility and respect for others.

  • From the SOP regarding our Colors:

    • May only be worn when participating in a motorcycle activity. (In other words, we don’t run around wearing our Cut unless we are actively doing motorcycle stuff; what you do in the privacy of your home is up to you!)

    • To expand on the wearing of our Colors, "motorcycle activity" includes riding, meeting with other Members, participating in a Club function.  Not something to wear to go shopping or socializing. It is your decision when to wear your Colors and when to take them off or not wear them at all.  There are Motorcycle Clubs that take offense to any other Club's Colors in their 'territory' so it is wise for all of us to find out what is going on where we ride or intend to ride; know who is the dominant Club in the region.  That will help you with your decision to put on your Cut or not. (Cut is slang for Colors.) Because the MC culture is profoundly sensitive to 'respect' or 'disrespect', sometimes we may need to approach another MC and let them know who we are and that we are no threat to any business or territory they may claim.  That should be done by one of the Board Members so contact Leon, Duke, Q, Draak, or me to discuss your concerns. Note than when/if we do contact a regionally dominant Club it is not to ask permission, it is to inform them that we exist and are no threat.


From my perspective, this debate is over.  If you do not wish to be in RWMC because of the Motorcycle Club association, feel free to send your Colors to me.

Q , Scibe

January 2021
Proceedings of the RWMC’s board meeting 


Jan 26 2021,  1500 CET/0900 EST via Google Meet  intercontinental



Leon Pres

Duke VP

GunZ SaA

Draak Treasurer

Q Scribe


  1. The charter amendments will be voted on pending last changes.

  2. Meeting in Ferrara/Italy mid September 2021. Arrival by train with bike transport or               by bike.   Doc signaled willingness to organize, Q will assist

  3. Meeting June 25/26. Leon and Darth check accommodation options in Belgium. Chateau and/or woods

  4. We will keep “MC” in our colors

  5. Eddy will take care of the 2021 annual t-shirt (which will be an annual tradition from now on. Print by Dieter Bitburg if possible. The latter is another viable source for patches.

  6. The golden medals for board members procured by duke are payable to GunZ (39,- €) who will forward it to Duke. The silver achievement medals will be paid for by the club (Draak)

  7. 4623 dollars on the account. Dues 2021 payable to GunZ (Europe) and Draak (US). Letter on voting for amended charter will include encouragement to pay the dues on time.


Q , Scibe

October 2020
Proceedings of the RWMC’s board meeting 


Oct 23 2020,  via Webex  intercontinental (on and off)



Leon Pres

Duke absent, due to internet-connection issues

GunZ SaA

Draak Treasurer

Q Scribe


  1. Feedback  2018/2019 The charter amendments need to be voted on. Leon will provide the amended charter to the scribe, who will in turn initiate a club-wide remote voting process.

  2. Rough idea: Meeting in Ferrara/Italy mid September 2021. Arrival by train with bike transport by bike

  3. Bottom Rocker Standard will be Europe with an additional country device.


Q, Scibe

August 2020
Proceedings of the RWMC’s board meeting 


Aug 6 2020,  via Webex  intercontinental (on and off)



Leon Pres

Duke VP

GunZ SaA

Draak Treasurer

Q Scribe


Feedback  2018/2019

  1. The charter amendments need to be voted on. Leon will provide the amended charter to the scribe, who will in turn initiate a club-wide remote voting process

  2. Emblem/Rocker/Crest- no Latin (Latine in signo nolumus)

- Emblem as per SOP

- no MC on clubware (GunZ to amend SOP)

- Geography: change SOP: USA to North America (GunZ)

    3. Babette Pössel will be invited to be a Rescue Angel by Leon

    4. Members are invited to brainstorm over a special event for 2022 (10 year anniversary)


- Q checks t-shirts source and quality, embroidering at Dieter’s

- Duke checks scarfs, price and availability (should also be embroidered)

- Awards: Gold for boardmembers, to be paid by individuals - Silver as award, to be paid by club

    6. More frequent board-meetings, every 2-3 months via Webex

    7.Next year’s meeting: proposed Italy/France, Belgium as a camp in the woods, Sweden,

    8. Decision postponed until we have more clarity about travel restrictions

Q, Scibe

July 2019
Proceedings of the RWMC’s board meeting 


21.07.2019  Eton/England/UK/EU (still)



Leon Pres

GunZ SaA

Draak Treasurer

Q Scribe

Blue Guest


  1. New Member Lenny Johns, proposed by Draak and seconded by everybody present, was admitted as a regular member. 

  2. New criteria for membership: anybody from the PR community and/or anybody who supports the latter 

  3. Mini meets of our regional tribes are encouraged. US chapter sub meeting to develop new concepts and ideas nlt 30 Sep, Paul and Lenny tasked

  4. Finances: 2956 $ in our account. Proposal: Suspend dues 🡪 not approved. Proposal: create/buy plaque and/or t-shirts as sign of appreciation 🡪 approved

  5. Next meeting in Sweden via Berlin/Trekker’s home. Last week in July, tbd nlt  Jan 2020

  6. 10 years’ anniversary, suggestions welcome

  7. Elections: due President, Treasurer, Scribe. Leon, Draak and Q were proposed bz SaA, Blue seconded. Scribe tasked to proceed online.

  8. Delete Groupie category from charter 🡪 approved

  9. Honorary members: distinguish him/herself by exemplary support to the club or the PR community.

  10. Proposal: Make Babette a Honorary member because of her outstanding service to the 2019 meet 🡪 seconded by all present.

  11. UK Rocker approved when UK members exceed 3

  12. Nomination process: only one member required to initiate 🡪 charter change approved

  13. Voting criteria: to change the Charter is 3/4 of the Members that choose to vote

  14. The advisory board, it’s members, privileges and responsibilities needs to be included in the charter.

  15. Still looking for a new purpose statement. Board tasked.

  16. The club needs to develop a process to propose, approve, and develop projects. Board tasked

  17. Clubware: Treasurer will evaluate offers and prices.

  18. Whatsapp group successfully initiated. 

  19. Website needs contributions.

July 2017
Proceedings of the RWMC’s board meeting 


July 14 2017, 1300 - 1400, Feldberg, Germany



Leon (Eddy Lievrouw, President) 

Draak (Paul Miller, Treasurer)

GunZ (Rick Barnes, Sergeant-at-Arms) 

Q (Heiner Christenn, Scribe)

Duke  (Jochen Schmidt, Member)

Big Monkey (Rob Shellenberger, Member)


TOP 1 Finances

  • Payments of European members will go to Big Monkey’s €-account, US-members will use Draak’s $-account

  • Balance as of July 14 is 2860.11 $

  • RWMC will pay back debts to Leon ($ 800) and Duke ($ 110 for clubware)


TOP 2 Charter Amendments (Leon)

  • Staggered Board Member elections. President, treasurer and scribe in 2019, VP ans SaA 2018. Leon will amend charter.

TOP 3 Merchandising

  • Duke presented a collection of clubware. 

  • Suggestion by members present: Zippered hoodie Polo-shirt for members with colours on the back, Hoodie/poloscarf-capbasecapwatchcap

  • with POWMIA logo only for supporters Colour will be black

  • Prices: T Shirt with embroidering on chest 15 € Polo with embroidering on chest 18 € Hoodie with zipper 35 €  Basecap 20€  Watchcap 10 € Scarf-cap 12 €

  • Plus shipping and handling. $-prices = € + 10%


TOP 4 Admin

  • Q will check for club beer 

  • Facebook should be used by all members (this includes the scribe)

  • Board members will contribute to the club’s semiannual newsletter nlt Aug 30 and Feb 28. Update

  • New Road names: Silverback for Duke


Top 5 Next Meeting

  • The annual meeting for 2018 will take place in Sweden


Signed and sealed Schrozberg, Germany, August 8 2017


Q, Scribe (Heiner Christenn)

July 2016
Proceedings of the RWMC’s board meeting 


July 9 2016, 1030 – 1200, Pfullendorf Bks, Germany


Present: Leon (Eddy Lievrouw, President) 

Gucci (Tor Cavalli-Bjorkman, VP)  

Draak (Paul Miller, Treasurer)

GunZ (Rick Barnes, Sergeant-at-Arms) 

Q (Heiner Christenn, Scribe)


TOP 1 Finances

  • Draak Draak will send a read only link for the bank account  to any member who requests the information, plus treasury balance will be published in the newsletter. 

  • Draak will publish a balance list with all income and expenses for 2015/2016 and a projection for the following years .

  • Payback of debts (Colors) will be made with priority to Leon, Gucci and GunZ (Board)

  • Gucci will order new colors with priority 1 (7 x Euro/ 3 x USA). 

  • Cancel the contract with Legal Zoom, as it has outlived its usefulness (during the founding phase) (GunZ)

  • Balance shall never go below € 500,- 


TOP 2 Charter Amendments (Leon)

  • We will instate a 500 € limit for expenses by the board, i.e., expenses exceeding the limit have to be approved by the members via a vote.

  • Members have 1 year to pay dues, thereafter the board will initiate membership suspension.

  • Board eligibility standards (2 yr Member; 1 Annual Meeting attended).

  • Board Term limits from 2 years to 3 years.

  • Staggered Board Member elections.

  • Once a member – always a member, i.e., no prerequisite to actively ride (GunZ).

  • Sidecars are approved

  • Road Name procedures (Board decision, SAA final say) (GunZ).


TOP 3 Merchandising

  • Pipes will be tasked to have clubware (T-shirts, hoodies) produced

  • Q will start an email survey about types of clubware, sizes and orders

TOP 4 Admin

  • Q will clean up member list and start the RWMC webpage, including a public and a members’ section (PW protected) and a database.

  • Pipes will assist with a possible clubware shop section

  • Board members will contribute to the club’s semiannual newsletter nlt Aug 30 and Feb 28.

  • Patches will be sent to the SAA and distributed by the latter.

  • New Road names: Tom – Darth Vapor

  • Rob – Big Monkey

  • Mike – None yet, but the SAA has one in mind


Top 5 Next Meeting

  • The annual meeting for 2017 will take place in the USA, preferably in the DC area. 


Signed and sealed 

Schrozberg, Germany, July 27, 2016.


Q, Scribe (Heiner Christenn)

June 2015
Proceedings of the RWMC’s board meeting 


21. June 2015 10.40 CET


Present: Leon Eddy Lievrouw Pres

Gucci Tor Cavalli-Björkman VP

GunZ Rick Barnes SaA

Q Heiner Christenn Scribe


Members present: Duke Jochen Schmidt

Doc Bart Holewijn


Top 1: Accounts

Draak (treasurer) for the time being, has no exact balance  available. He asks the members to report to him all debts to members due to expenses in the past years. He will then be able to produce a correct overall balance sheet.


Top 2:  Members

According to the latest list we have 14 members + Nina

Florian Stegmann, Eric Noben and Tom de Wilde are possible new members. Doc will recruit members at the EPRC in Poggio. A new member will be formally invited by an existing member after a membership request. The board will evaluate and finally grant membership.


Top3: Next year’s meeting

To be hosted in Pfullendorf by Duke and Q in July parallel to the Pfullendorf Biker meet. Accommodation planned in the barracks or a local Gasthaus.


Top 4: Website

The scribe will handle the website. Doc as the admin will pass access details to him.

There will be a reserved board access, a members section and a public site.

The front must display  the RWMC logo and some nice pictures.

Top 5: Patches

Duke and Tor will evaluate. No Velcro patches.

June 2014
Proceedings of the RWMC’s board meeting 


21 June 2014

Due to the few members present, the Board has unanimously decided that the Board & Member meeting should be held joint. All members agreed.

Present :

  • Leon

  • Gucci

  • GunZ

  • Q

  • Rocky

  • Blue

  • Pipes

Proposed AGENDA





  • SOP





  1. Draak fulfills both Treasurer and Secretary roles.  We decided to separate those out.

  2. Q has been nominated “Secretary”

  3. Within RWMC we will call this function “Scribe”, used during ancient times and whose role was very respected. This amendment will be made in the Chapter. Leon

  4. The Scribe will draft the minutes of this meeting. Q


  1. In order to have a healthy balance sheet no immediate expenses will be reimbursed

  2. Once expenses are reimbursed this will be done on a « First in/First out basis »

  3. A detailed Balance Sheet should be kept updated in the RWMC Members Dropbox. This to be transparent at all times. DRAAK 


  1. Although our Charter doesn't say anything about term limits, we decided having elections of new officers this year in September.

  2. We will have 9 Members eligible for Officer positions.  That is due to the statement that you have to have been a Founder or a Member for one year before being eligible to hold office :

    • Leon

    • Gucci

    • GunZ

    • Draak

    • Rocky

    • Q

    • Smooth (Gary W)

    • Doc

    • Shawn Cross

  3. Pipes is a Honorary Member and therefore not eligible to hold office or vote.  

  4. Positions are: President, Vice President, Seargent-At-Arms, Treasurer, Scribe.

  5. Q, as our Scribe , will elaborate the voting protocol. This will be published in our SOP. He will design to election officers to assist him.  The voting process is non-secret, due to the nature of the process over the internet.


  1. Some amendements to the Charter are needed :

  • Scratch the overdue 2013 rules

  • Scratch parts that moved to SOP (Colors)

  • Add « scribe » 


Pins and Buttons

  1. Our Sergeant-At-Arms will add some more specific instructions in our SOP to allow a “clean” vest also allowing members to add some individual badges, pins or buttons. 

  2. Nametags dimension : 2,5 X 12 cm First line: Roadname. Second line: Function (President, Seargent-At-Arms, etc.) 

PR/R Society

  1. Personnel Recovery Rescue Association

  2. Mission:  Helping those who help others to come home

  3. Concept:  As a nonprofit the association assists other nonprofit organizations that operate worldwide to mitigate risks, reduce uncertainty, utilize time to their advantage, strengthen fragile relationships and ensure they are aware of and manage fragmentation.

  4. Model:  Free services to assess analyze and evaluate PR/R risks to ensure they are understood, planned for, and thoroughly prepared to mitigate and overcome identified risks.

  5. Note:  Free does not mean it is done at our cost, but only at operating costs and overhead.  Down the road nonprofit does not mean we can’t be paid either, but a reputation must be built first.

  6. This issue has not been addressed formally during the meeting. There where informal discussions showing that a more in-depth discussion is needed..

Road Names

  1. Are tagged :

    • GW “Shiny”Satterfield 

    • Shawn “Slick” Cross.

  2. Renamed after the meeting :

    • « Rocky » wears now « Dash1 »

Other Issues

  1. Merchandizing: Pipes will check for printing T-shirts, embroidered hoodies, etc.. Profit margin for RWMC will be 10-20% Pipes

  2. Nametags : Pipes will check for name & functiontags in the same font as our rockers. Pipes

  3. 1%’ers : Rocky had an issue with probably a Hells Angel (Note by Leon : equivalent of our Rescue Angels). GunZ, as our Sgt-at-Arms will discuss with other clubs and then , if needed contact their Sgt-at-Arms. Affiliation to other Law Enforcement related clubs is another option, to be checked by board and members- Gunz

  4. Hostages : Blue suggested the option of inviting hostages in our RWMC. Food for thought without decision now. -All

  5. New members : Striving for 25 in 2015, whilst maintaining the same value criteria. -All

  6. Safety related issues will be dealt with by GunZ and published in the SOP.

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